Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Natives Are Getting Restless

It's the in between times that are tough.    Mentally and physically.  My mind checks out and my body seems to do exactly the same shortly there after.   I'm sure it's trying to tell me that "enough is enough, you need to rest.  Hell, I need to rest.   So rest I  must.  And I need some TLC as well.  My shattered legs have spoken their mind and refuse to run another step until I get a massage.

Yup, it's officially "Off Season".  It's technically been off season since my A race in October but I decided to throw one last kick at the can in at the end of November.  NOW it's really off season.  I have no races coming up in the near future.  In fact I've got nothing in the books until March.  As much as I welcome the down time, I sometimes find myself spiraling into a hole of complacency.  With no solid goal, it's easy for me to slip down that hole.   I start to feel somewhat uninspired to lace up the shoes and log those empty miles.  Much like I've felt kinda uninspired to write too.

No longer.  The natives are getting restless.  This native in particular.  This is the worst kind of restlessness, where I know I should be resting, my mind wants to be doing but my body says Meh, I don't think so.  So I will have to satisfy myself by starting to think about my marathon training plan, which is slated to start on New Year's Day.  I know.  Nothing like starting off the year with a long run.  At least I should be able to run off my hangover!

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